krytyczna teoria społeczna: portret


1. Horkheimer ( 1972a, 323).

2. Kellner (1989, M. 1973. The dialectical imagination: a history of the Frankfurt school and the institute of social research, 1923-1950, Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press. ). Zobacz też Jay (1973 Habermas, J. 1992. Obywatelstwo i tożsamość narodowa: refleksje nad przyszłością Europy. Praxis International, 12: 1-19. ).

3. Kellner (1989, M. 1973., The dialectical imagination: a history of the Frankfurt school and the institute of social research, 1923-1950, Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press. , 7).

4. Kellner (1989, M. 1973. The dialectical imagination: a history of the Frankfurt school and the institute of social research, 1923-1950, Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press. , 7).

5. Torres (2009 Torres, CA. 2009. Globalizations and education: Collected essays on class, race, gender, and the state (Introduction by Michael W. Apple, Afterword by Pedro Demo)., Nowy Jork i Londyn: Teachers College Press-Columbia University ).

6. Foucault (2000 Foucault, M. 2000. Essential works of Foucault, (1954-1984) power, New York: New Press. , 474).

8. Morrow i Torres (1996 Morrow, R and Torres, CA. 1996. Social theory and education: A critique of theories of social and cultural reproduction, Albany, New York: State University of New York Press. ).

10. Zobacz moje argumenty w obronie politycznej socjologii edukacji w Torres (1999 Torres, CA. 1999., W latach 1975-1998 miejscowość administracyjnie należała do województwa siedleckiego. In Educational change and educational knowledge: Changing relations between the state, civil society, and the educational community, Edited by: Popkewitz, TJ and Kazamias, A. 87-115. ).

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