James Madison, padre de la Constitución

Comentarios y artículos de JMC fellows:

James Madison, padre de la Constitución

William Allen, Let the Advice Be Good: a Defense of Madison Democratic Nationalism. (University Press of America, 1994)

Jeremy Bailey, James Madison and Constitutional Imperfection. (Cambridge University Press, 2015)

Jeremy Bailey, » Should We Venerate That Which We Cannot Love?: James Madison on Constitutional Imperfection.»(Political Research Quarterly 65.,4 de diciembre de 2012)

Jeremy Bailey, » Was James Madison ever for the bill of rights?»(Perspectives on Political Science 41.2, 2012)

Luigi Bradizza, » Madison and Republican Cosmopolitanism.»(Cosmopolitanism in the Age of Globalization: Citizens without States, University Press of Kentucky, 2011)

Matthew Brogdon, «Constitutional Text and Institutional Development: Contesting the Madisonian Compromise in the First Congress.»(American Political Thought 5.2, 2 de abril de 2016)

James Ceaser, » In Defense of Separation of Powers.»(Does Separation of Powers Work?,, American Enterprise Institute, 1986)

Mark David Hall, » Jeffersonian Walls and Madisonian Lines: the Supreme Court’s Use of History in Religion Clause Cases.»(High Court Quarterly Review 5.3, 2009)

Mark David Hall, » Madison Memorial and Remonstrance, Jefferson’s Statute for Religious Liberty, and the Creation of the First Amendment.»(American Political Thought 3.1, Spring 2014)

Mark David Hall, » The Wilsonian Dilemma.,»(Southeastern Political Review 25, 1997)

David Houpt, » Securing a Legacy: The Publication of James Madison’s Notes from the Constitutional Convention.»(The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography 118.1, 2010)

Jeffrey Morrison, «James Madison and Thomas Jefferson:’ a Friendship Which Was for Life.'»(A Companion to James Madison and James Monroe, Wiley-Blackwell, 2013)

Vincent Phillip Muñoz, God and the Founders: Madison, Washington, and Jefferson., (Cambridge University Press, 2009)

Vincent Phillip Muñoz, «James Madison’ s Principle of Religious Liberty.»(American Political Science Review 97.1, February 2003)

Vincent Phillip Muñoz, » Religion in the Life, Political Thought, and Presidency of James Madison.»(Religion and the American Presidency, Palgrave MacMillan, 2007)

Peter Onuf, » Federalist Republican: Michael Zuckert’s James Madison.»(American Political Thought 8.2, Spring 2019)

John Ragosta, «‘Memorial and Remonstrance Against Religious Assessments’ by James Madison.,»(Milestone Documents in American History, 2008)

S. Adam Seagrave, » Madison Tightrope: the Federal Union and the Madisonian Foundations of Legitimate Government.»(Polity 47.2, April 2015)

John Scott (coautor), » Capitol Mobility: Madisonian Representation and the Location and Relocation of Capitals in the United States.»(American Political Science Review 107.2, May 2013)

Colleen Sheehan, » Civic Friendship in America: A Madisonian Retrospective.,»(Law & Liberty, 3 de septiembre de 2019)

Colleen Sheehan, » republicanismo deliberativo, Comunicación Política, & la soberanía de la opinión pública.»(A Madisonian Constitution for All, National Constitution Center)

David Siemers, » James Madison Presidency: Foreign Affairs.»(A Companion to James Madison and James Monroe, Wiley-Blackwell, 2012)

David Siemers, » Theories about Theory: a Typology of Theory Based Claims from the Case of James Madison.»(Presidential Studies Quarterly 38.,1, marzo de 2008)

James Stoner, » a Madisonian Compromise: Term Limits for the House, But Not for the Senate.»(Policy Review, Winter 1995)

George Thomas, » Madison and the Perils of Populism.»(National Affairs 29, Fall 2016)

George Thomas, The Madisonian Constitution. (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008)

George Thomas, » The Madisonian Constitution, Political Dysfunction, and Political Polarization.,»(Parchment Barriers: Political Polarization and the Limits of Constitutional Order, University Press of Kansas, 2018)

George Thomas, » Recovering the Political Constitution: The Madisonian Vision.»(The Review of Politics 66.2, Spring 2004)

Gregory Weiner, » James Madison and the Legitimacy of Majority Factions.»(American Political Thought 2.2, Fall 2013)

Gregory Weiner, Madison Metronome: the Constitution, Majority Rule and the Tempo of American Politics., (University Press of Kansas, 2012)

Gregory Weiner, » Majorities and Madisonian Paradoxes.»(Extensions: Journal of the Carl Albert Congressional Research and Studies Center, Summer 2014)

Gregory Weiner, » Our Constitutional Emergency.»(New York Times, 26 de marzo de 2019)

Gregory Weiner, «‘The Ultimate Justice of the People’ Madison, Public Opinion and the Internet Age.»(A Madisonian Constitution for All, National Constitution Center)

Thomas West, » the Economic Principles of America’s Founders: Property Rights, Free Markets, and Sound Money.,»(First Principles Series Report, Heritage Foundation 32, 2010)

Keith Whittington, » James Madison Has Left the Building.»(University Of Chicago Law Review 72.3, Summer 2005)

Jean Yarbrough, » James Madison and Modern Federalism.»(How Federal is the Constitution?, American Enterprise Institute, 1987)

Michael Zuckert, » James Madison.»(Liberal Moments, Bloomsbury Press, 2017)

Michael Zuckert, «James Madison’ s Political Science.,»(History of American Political Thought, Rowman and Littlefield, 2003)

Michael Zuckert, » Judicial Review and the Incomplete Constitution: a Madisonian Perspective on the Supreme Court and the Idea of Constitutionalism.»(The Supreme Court and the Idea of Constitutionalism, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2009)

James Madison and The Federalist Papers

William Allen, » The ‘Baton Rouge Lectures.'»(The Federalist Papers: A Commentary, Peter Lang, Inc., 2000)

Charles Kesler (editor), The Federalist Papers., (Penguin-Putnam, 1999)

William Kristol, » the Problem of the Separation of Powers: Federalist 47-51.»(Saving The Revolution: The Federalist Papers and the American Founding, the Free Press, 1987)

James Stoner, » The New Constitutionalism of Publius.»(History of American Political Thought, Lexington Books, 2003)

Gregory Weiner, » After Federalist No.10.»(National Affairs, Fall 2017)

Michael Zuckert, » James Madison in the Federalist.»(A Companion to James Madison and James Monroe, Wiley Blackwell, 2013)

Michael Zuckert, » Who was Publius?,»(Enlightening Revolutions: Essays in Honor of Ralph Lerner, Lexington Books, 2006)

Marbury v.Madison and Judicial Supremacy

Clyde Ray, «John Marshall, Marbury v. Madison, and the Construction of Constitutional Legitimacy.»(Law, Culture, and the Humanities 15.1, 2019)

Clyde Ray, «An Old Controversy: Marshall, Whitaker, and Marbury v.Madison.»(Puntos de partida: A Journal of American Principles & American Practices, 27 de febrero de 2019)

Keith Whittington (coautor), » Making a Mountain Out of a Molehill?, Marbury y la construcción del Canon Constitucional.»(Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly 39.3, Spring 2012)

Keith Whittington, » Marbury v. Madison and the Politics of Judicial Supremacy.»(Marbury v. Madison: 1803-2003 un Dialogue Franco-Americain, Dalloz, 2003

Keith Whittington, «‘to Support this Constitution’: Judicial Supremacy in the Twentieth Century.»(Marbury C., Madison: Documents and Commentary, CQ Press, 2002)

* Si usted es un miembro de JMC que ha publicado sobre James Madison o su pensamiento político, y desea que su trabajo se incluya aquí, envíenoslo a [email protected].

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