Critical social Theory: a portrait (Español)


1. Horkheimer (1972a, 323).

2. Kellner (1989 Jay, M. 1973. The dialectical imagination: a history of the Frankfurt school and the institute of Social research, 1923-1950, Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press. ). Véase también Jay (1973 Habermas, J. 1992. Ciudadanía e identidad nacional: algunas reflexiones sobre el futuro de Europa. Praxis International, 12: 1-19. ).

3. Kellner (1989 Jay, M. 1973., The dialectical imagination: a history of the Frankfurt school and the institute of Social research, 1923-1950, Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press. , 7).

4. Kellner (1989 Jay, M. 1973. The dialectical imagination: a history of the Frankfurt school and the institute of Social research, 1923-1950, Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press. , 7).

5. Torres (2009 Torres, CA. 2009. Globalizations and education: Collected essays on class, race, gender, and the state (introducción de Michael W. Apple, epílogo de Pedro Demo)., New York and London: Teachers College Press-Columbia University).

6. Foucault (2000 Foucault, M. 2000. Essential works of Foucault, (1954-1984) power, New York: New Press. , 474).

8. Morrow and Torres (1996 Morrow, R and Torres, CA. 1996. Social theory and education: a critique of theories of social and cultural reproduction, Albany, New York: State University of New York Press. ).

10. Ver mis argumentos en defensa de una sociología política de la educación en Torres (1999 Torres, CA. 1999., «Structural adjustment, teachers, and state practices in education: a focus on Latin America». In Educational change and educational knowledge: Changing relationships between the state, civil society, and the educational community, Edited by: Popkewitz, TJ and Kazamias, A. 87-115. Albany: State University of New York Press. ).

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